Providing therapy services for all walks of life through the “Coaching Model”.


Philosophy of Values 

    • Empathy- Empower therapists strive to be empathetic by attempting to understand each family’s perspective and adapt to their individualized needs.

    • Positive- We encourage a positive environment through collaboration with the families, co-clinicians and community.

    • Committed- We are committed to serving the families needs by delivering therapy in the most natural learning environment and always adjusting strategies to fit each family.

    • Responsible- ETG is responsible for being up to date with best practices and strives to promote the coaching model in every aspect of therapy. We understand that the family is the primary facilitator for change and encourage them to participate throughout the EI process.

    • Flexible- ETG providers are flexible in the strategies they deliver and understand the importance of looking at the whole child (International Communication Functioning Model, World Health Organization). ETGtherapists will adapt to each child and families individualized needs and will continue to adjust coaching styles and strategies as needed.

    • Knowledgeable- All ETG providers strive to be knowledgeable, utilizing current Evidence Based Practices. ETG assists in continued education of all providers by providing assistance towards each therapist’s individual learning.


Services Provided

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